Art of Gold-Process


More about Tanjore paintings

Thanjavur paintings  or  Tanjore paintings  were  known to exist as early   as in the 14th century in the Vijayanagar Empire . Real precious gems like diamonds , rubies , emeralds were used   along   with  original  gold sheets . Today the precious stones are  replaced by look alike imitations or glass stones. After the fall of the Vijayanagar Empire in 16th century , the artists scattered all over the  southern region of India and a large number reaching Thanjavur  in south India which there after came to be known for these paintings

In India Hindu art  was nurtured by its Kings. To preserve and maintain Hindu culture against Muslim Invasion from the north,these kings encouraged artists to create great works of art from Hindu Mythology. Hence these paintings mainly consists of Hindu gods & goddesses. With changing times today one can find these paintings on subjects like monuments , birds , Jesus Christ , Buddha , Rajasthani style figures etc.

Tanjore  Paintings have a unique charm of their own unlike other form of Indian paintings . Unlike the tradition of miniature paintings in Northern India, figures in Tanjore art are monumental and robust .The paintings were made for rituals  and  worship  and  not  for  display . However , today they have predominantly become  display items which adorn the drawing rooms as also the Pooja rooms .

Any one with  some talent  for  drawing  and  painting and who is capable of  hardwork  and  persistent practice can master this art  of  painting. It brings  tangible rewards too besides the joy of creating your own art work.
We conduct classes to suit individual timings.For more details
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  We  are happy  to share the information  and  also  explain the Art of creating this painting step-by -step  with  photos and  various stages in  preparing  and  mounting  the  painting. The Gallery has the collections on  display  . The  type of frame or mounting enhances the beauty of the Tanjore painting  which can be seen in the few picture's presented  in this web site.  A rate list of  items is available  for giving a broad  range of the prices . Specific items can be taken up on request . We  have also displayed a  few utility items with Tanjore  Painting as theme   like the Key Chain holder , Jewel box , Mantapam etc. We are happy that you are visiting our  web site  and  would be  glad  to  have  your comments and suggestions in  our  Guest Book .                                                        



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